Roasted Baby Potato Salad

The salads are one of my favorite food to eat during spring and summer. They are easy to prepare and delightful to look at. This is a flexible one since you can serve at room temperature or cold. Enjoy!

Servings : 3 – 4

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cook time: 30-40 minutes

Total time: 55 minutes


1 lb. 8 oz. petite yellow potatoes

1 cup fresh mozzarella pearl cheese

1 cup Kalamata olives

1 cup 1/2 inch sliced cucumbers

1 cup 1/2 inch sliced mini sweet peppers

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 tablespoon white wine vinegar

1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley

1 tablespoon chopped fresh mint

2 teaspoons salt

2 teaspoons black pepper

4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil


1-Preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit .

2-Place the potatoes on a 13″ x 18″ baking sheet.

3-Drizzle with 2 table spoon olive oil and sprinkle with 1 teaspoon salt & black pepper.

4-Roast them until they are soft inside about 30-40 minutes.

5- Set the potatoes aside until they are at room temperature.

6- Combine lemon juice, white vine vinegar, 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil, chopped herbs , salt and pepper in a 16 oz. jar and shake it until all the ingredients are mixed well.

7- Combine potatoes, olives, cucumbers, peppers, mozzarella pearl cheese and the dressing in a large bowl and mix gently.


Roasted Baby Potato Salad
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