Local Lilikoi kOmbucha and Pineapple Mocktail

How about a refreshing, delicious mocktail you can enjoy with your kids! I used the Local Lilikoi in my recipe since it is organic, gluten free, non-GMO, vegan and raw.

Local Lolokoi is made with a proprietary organic black tea infused with organic lavender, spearmint, lemongrass, and mango. Local organic passion fruit juice keeps sugar levels low, while adding a bright yellow color to this flavor.  It’s worth noting that the fermentation process of kOmbucha may produce natural alcohol (up to .5% in this instance.)

Let’s create our lovely beverage!

Servings: 2-3

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Total time: 10 minutes


2-3 tablespoons of pineapple juice

2-3 strawberries to garnish

4-5 thin slices of lime to garnish

4-5 thin slices of jalapeno to garnish

3-4 ½ inch thick pineapple slices cut as a shape of triangle to garnish

1 bottle of Local Lolokoi kOmbucha

2-3 cups of ice


1-Add 1 cup of ice and 1 tablespoon of pineapple juice into each glass and pour Local Lolokoi kOmbucha on top.

3-Garnish each glass with lime, jalapeno, strawberry and pineapple slices.

So simple, delicious and good for your soul!

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